About Me

Hi all,

Let me take a moment to share a bit about myself and what led me to create this blog and online health space.

For most of my adult life, I’ve felt like I’ve been coasting along, never quite reaching my full potential. 

I was always thinking about being healthier so I would be more energetic, slim, and toned. 

I was always thinking about being more confident and increasing my self-esteem.

I was always thinking about ways to improve my mindset so I could finally stick to my goals and better manage my emotions.

All I wanted was to be better than I was and to feel successful in all areas of my life….

However, unfortunately, most of my adult life was fuelled by binge eating, excessive partying, unpredictable shopping, stress, and unhealthy habits. All of these things contributed to an unhealthy mindset so I continued to feel helpless and unfulfilled. 

Throughout my life, I have made some small attempts to be better. These attempts looked like going to the gym for three months and feeling great, only to fall right back into bad habits after having a big weekend fueled with drinking and overeating. 

I would diet and starve myself, only to slip up and have binge eating episodes and fall back into even worse eating habits.

Over time, I tried to look online for ways to improve my bad habits and felt like I knew what I had to do to achieve my goals but for some reason, I was never consistent.

I’m now in my early 30’s and have decided enough is enough. I’m now going to throw myself fully into the lifestyle I must live, to become the person I’ve always wanted to be and I will be documenting the entire process along the way.

If you are someone who has always wanted to be a better version of yourself then this blog and online health space is for you. I hope to inspire and empower you and provide practical guidance on how to become the best version of yourself. Watch this space as there are plenty of good things to come…

Let’s never stop improving.

Yours truly,
